Simply click any of the icons below to view these organizations' websites.
Start Here provides a comprehensive list of contact information for organizations providing food, clothing, drop-in centers, employment resources, mental health services, etc.
The Homeless Shelter Directory provides a list of shelters and services in the St. Louis area.
The Spot provides health and social service resources for young people, ages 13-24.
St. Patrick Center provides housing, employment and health opportunities for people who are homeless or are at risk of becoming homeless.
The City of St. Louis provides various resources and services
to individuals who are homeless.
The Bridge provides sanctuary, meals and support services for individuals who are homeless and at-risk persons.
Metro St. Louis Coalition for the Homeless serves as an advocate for individuals who are homeless and raises awareness of the need for services, housing, shelter, a living wage and the protection of civil rights.
Behavioral Health Response provides confidential telephone counseling to people in mental health crises as well as mobile outreach services, community referral services, and critical incident stress management (CISM). BHR’s crisis hotline and mobile outreach services are provided free of charge to the public by paid professional staff who have master’s degrees in their respective behavioral science disciplines.